There are indications that the state may hold assembly elections in October 2024 after the implementation of the code of conduct in September.

Maharashtra Election | शहा सोबत महायुतीची खलबते; ऑक्टोबरमध्ये निवडणूक शक्य

The last assembly elections in Maharashtra were held in October 2019. Therefore, the new assembly is expected to come into existence before that. There are indications that the state may hold assembly elections in October 2024 after the implementation of the code of conduct in September. Home Minister Amit Shah is staying in Mumbai and…

The central government has approved setting up of Soybean procurement centers in two states of Maharashtra and Karnataka with a minimum guaranteed price of 90 days. The state government has made a subsidy of Rs 4200 crore available and in the next two-three days this subsidy will be directly distributed to the farmers' accounts.

subsidy for soyabean, cotton | सोयाबीन, कापूस उत्पादकांना प्रती हेक्टरी ५ हजाराचे अनुदान

– ३ दिवसात अनुदान शेतक-यांच्या खात्यावर – हमीभावाने सोयाबीन खरेदीस मान्यता khabarbat News Network The central government has approved setting up of Soybean procurement centers in two states of Maharashtra and Karnataka with a minimum guaranteed price of 90 days. The state government has made a subsidy of Rs 4200 crore available and in the…

नेत्यांच्या फितुरीमुळे रॉ एजंटांचे हत्याकांड

नेत्यांच्या फितुरीमुळे रॉ एजंटांचे हत्याकांड

  ‘इंडिया टीव्ही’वर प्रदीप सिंह यांचा दावा नवी दिल्ली | भारतातील राजकारणात खळबळ उडवून देणारा दावा वरिष्ठ पत्रकार प्रदीप सिंह यांनी केला आहे. ‘इंडिया टीव्ही’ला दिलेल्या मुलाखतीत भारतातील नेत्यांनी पाकिस्तान आणि इराणला भारतीय एजंटची माहिती दिल्याचा दावा त्यांनी केला. रिसर्च अँड अ‍ॅनालिसिस विंग ही भारताची विदेशात गुप्त माहिती काढणारी गुप्तचर संस्था आहे. त्यासाठी जगभरात अनेक…

Due to heavy rains and floods in Telangana, citizens have to suffer a lot. So far 50 people have lost their lives in Telangana.

Telengana flood | तेलंगणात पुरामुळे ५० मृत्यू; ५,४३८ कोटीचे नुकसान

Due to heavy rains in Telangana for a week, the entire state has been wreaked havoc. Due to heavy rains and floods in Telangana, citizens have to suffer a lot. So far 50 people have lost their lives in Telangana. Many parts of the state have gone under water due to heavy rains. Financial assistance…